Dienstag, 22. Juni 2010


Erick Mendez will present the latest results on the saliency techniques (visual techniques to draw the attention of a user) at the ACM/EG SMARTGRAPHICS conference this week. Check it out if you are around, or check the publication here.

Expert interviews

As part of the user-centered design, we will be gathering end-user feedback from experts. If you believe you have a good input that may help us further, please contact the partners at EFLUM.

Graz quarterly meeting

Well, it's time for a quarterly meeting again! Graz will be hosting the two-day meeting at June 23 and 24. Focus: planning for the final year, updating and finalizing the design and integration of the system, and giving out our latest research prototypes for on-site usage. Exciting....

Dienstag, 1. Juni 2010

Range of publications submitted

The HYDROSYS consortium has just submitted several publications on the latest research outcomes of the project to a major conference. We can't tell you more, but hey, let's keep our fingers crossed!

Presenting at GI

Alessandro Mulloni will present our great paper on multi-camera navigation today at GI2010. Go check it out if you are attending the conference!