Donnerstag, 12. August 2010

Wifi hotspot provided in La Fouly

The La Fouly catchment lies on the border between Switzerland and Italy and has no mobile phone network coverage from either country. To enable the Hydrosys network to work, it was necessary to provide internet access in the valley.

This week, we have proven a wireless hotspot which is capable of accessing the mobile phone network on the mountain top and providing a wireless internet hotspot covering the entire 3km length of the valley. This hotspot can be set up in a matter of minutes from reaching the peak and will eventually be solar powered and completely autonomous.

Freitag, 6. August 2010

Publication accepted!

Our publication on perceptual issues in augmented reality got accepted for IEEE ISMAR this year! We are very glad about it, considering the high competitiveness and quality of the conference: this year, the conference had an acceptance rate of 22.4%. The paper deals with a classification of perceptual issues that are prevalent in augmented reality, and possible ways of solving the issues.

Final publication will be made available soon:
Kruijff, E., Swan II, E., Feiner, S. Perceptual Issues in Augmented Reality Revisited. In Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2010.

Field experiments in Andermatt and La Fouly (Switzerland)

We are very excited to announce that new deployments will be taken next week in Andermatt (on wall inclination sensing and effects of permafrost on building structures) and La Fouly (on flooding related issues). Furthermore, the blimp will be taken for a second test and data recording session. More information on results will follow soon!

(on the picture: a Sensorscope station in La Fouly).